
Nothing helps my mother sleep at night. Has anybody heard of Valerian Root capsules for an Alzheimer's patient?

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Well, my Mom takes only natural supplements and she loves valerian. I would not mix anything with meds without see professional opinions- several- and remember most doctor's do push meds. Anyway, most people benefit from valerian. It's been called "nature's Valium. Just take it occasionally- as needed.
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Yes, you can get good quality Valerian Root through a chiropractor or good health food store. There is a natural sleep aid called "Alteril"--it has valerian, melatonin, and L-tryptophan. I just took one. Good Night:)
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Be sure to check with your Mother's doctor. Many herbal/natural remedies can cause adverse effects on medications. Always good to be careful. An aunt of mine got kidney failure and almost died from taking too many "natural" vitamins and herbs.
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