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My fils mother did this at103. I think it is.
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According to your profile, you are 'concerned with her lack of interest in anything.' At 102 years old, what do you feel your mother should have an interest in doing???? Yes, it's normal for elders of such extreme age to sit and doze off all day long. Just leave her alone to do as she sees fit to do; be happy she's not screaming, cussing, spitting & throwing up pea soup, like tons of elders with dementia do to their children who are caring for them! #Truth.
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No, it is not normal.

At 102, she should be running marathons weekly, hitting the gym daily, cooking, cleaning, typing on forums and running for public office. THAT would be normal at 102. I’m very glad you asked your serious question.
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I can't believe this is a serious question.

At what age is sitting and dozing all day acceptable?
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Yes. Absolutely normal.
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Be happy you still have Mom at that age. She's earned the right to doze off. My Mom would do so also. At first, I was concerned, but then I felt, if she's content, then let her be. I did, however, make sure she moved to a different chair every few hours to avoid the issue of pressure ulcers. With her cooperation, it worked well. Surprisingly, she also slept pretty good at night.
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Dear lsterling, I don’t think it is “normal” to be 102. It does happen, obviously. I think your mom gets to choose what’s normal for her. I hope I get to do that when I’m 102. Hugs
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I think your question isn’t normal.

As MJ1929 wrote:
“I can't believe this is a serious question.”
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