
I keep looking for info. over the internet about Medicaid/Nursing Home's rule about transferring Mom to another nursing home to no avail. Mom has Alz's Disease and is in Memory Care unit at a nursing home. They placed her there from hospital last April. The problem is it's too far and there are two nursing homes that have Memory Care close by. How do I start the process of transferring her to one close by so that I can be with her more often? I am her POA. Thanks in advance.

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I want to move my wife from one nh to one closer with better care. She is on medicare and medicaid. She had been in this same nh home before. The care is better and she knows the staff and it would be closer for me to travel. I am her home care giver and 2 weeks ago I had a minor stroke so it would help her and me to move her to the nh closer.
Helpful Answer (41)

If this is indeed your desire which I imagine it is, you inform the Social Worker at the facility where your mother currently resides and ask her to send your mothers referral and clinical information to both of the facilities in your area. It is their responsibility to assist you with this transfer.
Helpful Answer (23)

my parents are in a nursing home in florida, it takes me over an hour to get to them , there is a nursing home about 10 mins from me in the same state, what or who or how can I get them transfered closer to me, I am the only child that lives with 60 miles the rest of the kids live at least 6 to 8 hours away , where do I start please help thank you.... Deb
Helpful Answer (20)

I am in Tx my mother is in a NH which is not taking care of her. I have found her another NH close to me ibnstead of 20 mi away. I would like to know is there help to help transport her 20 mi. My care is too small.
Helpful Answer (18)

I have a brother at Kindred Transitional Rehabilitation in Durham, NC. My brother wants to transfer to MD. to be close to his family even though he will have to be housed in a similar VA approved site. How do I satisfy his (brother's request?
Helpful Answer (17)

in 2016 Medicaid has NO legal resident time required but I still don't know who pays for the ambulance to move her from one state to another
Helpful Answer (12)

I am in Tx my mother is in a NH which is not taking care of her. I have found her another NH close to me ibnstead of 20 mi away. I would like to know is there help to help transport her 20 mi. My care is too small.
Helpful Answer (11)

My mom is in a NH in North Carolina and has Medicaid. If I move her to a NH in Maryland to be closer to me will I have to pay for the transport, expenses involved in the move or will medicaid ? She's on 24 hour oxygen,in a wheelchair, etc.
Helpful Answer (5)

I would suggest go to one or both of closer NHs and talk to them.And while your there tour their faculity so it will help with choosing the right one. They would know first hand how that would work and what you need to do.They should be aware of how to transfer a patient with medicaid. Patients come and go from NH's all the time so thats who I would talk to.
Helpful Answer (4)

I'm currently in the process of moving my mentally and physically incapacitated sister w/o any advanced care directive or guardianship from a long term nursing center in NY to Michigan. I contacted the facility near me that will start by looking at my sister's medical records. I contacted the family services in charge of her finances in Yonkers who will work with me. And I contacted her social worker in her current NH in New Rochelle. That NY NH is a little afraid of me because of quite a bit of screw ups I openly complained about that could get them in trouble. I made it specific that I DO NOT want that NH to proceed for state guardianship of my sister because I want her moved. I'm also sending that in writing and email. I contacted an Ombudsman there days ago and never heard back. I will call the Ombudsman again, but my faith in them is diminished as are atty's. in NY. I believe this type of thing can be done without courts, without guardianship, and between two nursing homes in states where they know the laws. Next of kin still holds muster. If for example her NY NH proceeded toward guardianship and I took them to court, I would win. I'm moving my sister because I truly believe she is in her last days and want her near so I can be with her all the time to see she is treated properly. Meanwhile, when I told MI NH that my sister has a NY state pension, some medicare still and is on medicaid also, they quickly said that it will be the pension and whatever medicare. After reading these comments, I see that the MI NH will try to rely on my sister's pension/medicare to pay for the interim at the facility until she is officially on medicaid in MI. That is good news for me. I'm trying to save the $5-7k an atty. quoted me for NY guardianship. Then do that again in MI? Then pay to move her? Out of the question when she has income and I am still next of kin even though she has no agent and guardianship proceedings for her otherwise. I wanted to move her 3 years ago, and it was just a matter of getting her SS established in my state per her old social worker. But at that time, she might have been relegated to a group home here and those are terrible. I've located a decent NH now. Where there is a will and a way around atty's. because of money matters, try that first. I've read that laws are a mess in these situations anyway, put together piecemeal so far. It's too bad we don't have overriding Federal laws for the mentally ill to make this process easier. I will comment again as I advance. It looks like there are plenty of people in this situation that need advice without expense.
Helpful Answer (4)

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